Tuesday 2 January 2018

(35) Cool in Bygone Days — Art Tatum, Tea for Two

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In a class of his own — Art Tatum.

For a wonderful comparative display of the tune by some of the greatest jazz pianists (Patterson, Costa, Tatrum) go here.


  1. Hier auch eine sehr interessante Interpretation (von Shostakovich) zum Vergleich

    Auszug aus Wikipedia:
    In October 1927, the conductor Nikolai Malko challenged Dmitri Shostakovich to do an arrangement of the song after the two listened to it on record at Malko's house. Malko bet 100 roubles that Shostakovich could not completely re-orchestrate it from memory in under an hour. Shostakovich took him up and won, completing it in around 45 minutes. His "Tea for Two" arrangement, Opus 16, was first performed on 25 November 1928. It was incorporated into Tahiti Trot from his ballet The Golden Age first performed in 1929.

    1. Danke für den reizvollen Hinweis. Mir gefällt „Tahity Trot“ so gut, dass ich das Stück bald in der Reihe „Cool in Bygone Days“ veröffentlichen werde.
