Wednesday, 30 May 2018

(1) Waste

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I just realised this is almost the same post as the one published under the title: Green Cultural Dominance and Manipulative Signalling.

In his recent post on EU-bans of plastic items like straws, cotton buds, cutlery, balloon sticks and drink stirrers, Pierre Gosselin concludes :
Like climate change, the latest announcement of banning straws and drink stirrers is nothing but pure inconsequential, environmental grandstanding. It isn’t going to accomplish a damn thing accept make green morons irrationally feel better about themselves.
By contrast, I feel the ban is in a certain way highly effective:

Pierre, Thanks for yet another excellent post and a great analysis. I would add that the ban is extremely important and very effective in terms of manipulative signalling.

Sensible or not, it signals man is evil, man is hell-bent to destroy nature.

This is the core faith and subliminal trigger of popular compliance with green totalitarianism.

Only if this post-hypnotic suggestion is removed from the minds of the people will they wake up from green inebriation and return to a mentally normal state of appropriate skepticism and vigilance.

If ideologues succeed in implanting this core faith in your mind (and they have been successful at it in Germany in a big way), your mind will inevitably be looking for indications that support the creed’s presumption. This is the psychological mechanism by which the greens keep the Germans in a religious trap, from which they find no escape.

It is this false faith in man’s natural enmity and destructiveness vis-à-vis “nature” that explains why Germans irrespective of their level of education and pertinent expertise are ready to buy into almost any rubbish about purported Umweltzerstörung (destruction of the environment). Any verbiage and any acts (like dramatising prohibitions) that reinforce this misanthropic conceit are a gain for the greens and a loss for reason, humanism and mankind.

Underlying this is a false juxtaposition of man and nature and the accompanying eco-religious conception of nature as a subject, a person confronting us — an article of faith heavily promoted by dignitaries like Bundespräsident von Weizsäcker who demanded at the height of the acid rain mania (another green deception) that “we need to protect nature for its own sake”). Here: sinful man, there: godlike nature, man’s arbiter and moral superior. The cultural dominance of green nonsense depends entirely on people internalising this faith built on the deification of nature and the debasement of one’s own species.

See also Death of the Forests — Das Waldsterben — On the History of a Politically Useful Myth

Continued here

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