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Neben der Trumpschen Bilderstürmerei (die zweifellos ihre Risiken mit sich bringt) ist es eine weitere Chance für eine wiederbelebte Demokratie, dass sich zunehmend selbstkritische Stimmen in der (englischsprachigen) Linken melden. Denn unter dem Rubrum "politisch korrekt" hat sich die politisch wirkungsvolle Linke in den letzten 30 Jahren zu einer regressiven Kraft entwickelt, die sich im politischen Establishment und an allen Schaltstellen der Obrigkeit eingenistet hat — ein veritables Double-Speak Monster aus den Dystopien Orwells, das sein einstiges Klientel — die "einfache" arbeitende Bevölkerung — geistig entmündigt und abgerichtet hat, um ihm Schaden von der Art zuzufügen, die die Linke ihren politischen Feinden anzulasten pflegt(e).
The ... text [below] ... succinctly captures the anger and angst that many progressive thinkers are feeling about how things are turning out. The culmination of several decades of neo-liberalism has been an eroding of material well-being for workers, a massive financial then economic crisis, which the world is still enduring, and, then Donald Trump as President of the United States. And the progressive political voices have been largely complicit in all of this. Sure enough, they sprout about child care, gay rights, inequality, and all the rest of it, but at the core, they have embraced the neo-liberal economic lies and gone along with or even initiated and overseen fiscal austerity, privatisation, welfare cuts, deregulation – it is just, we are told, they do all that in a more moderate and fairer manner. They don’t stop for a second to think that they also have become captive to capital.
Linke Kritiker werfen der Orwellschen Linken vor zu handeln als lauteten ihre Ratschläge an uns:
Privilege private education over public education.Make sure there are fewer jobs than there are job seekers – blame the job seekers for being unemployed.Saddle tertiary students with massive debts and limited employment opportunities.De-regulate banking so that the people who can least afford it have access to easy credit – they haven’t got stable employment and need to get ahead somehow.Privatise public assets like airlines, rail systems, electricity, hospitals – sell them to your political donors.Dilute the power of independent entities that monitor conduct of individuals in high office – accountability stifles creativity.Stack the public broadcaster with industry mates – go on cooking shows because you can get away with anything if voters have seen you making pasta.Destroy job security for a large proportion of the working population – convince them they can succeed if they are more entrepreneurial.Undermine working conditions and awards – direct productivity gains to capital and limit real wage growth.Make sure unskilled labour is linked to jobs that destroy the environment – keep things sweet for industry status quo and ensure there is always an army of blue collar workers ready to fight against a transition to alternative industries.Disrupt disrupt disrupt – convince a gullible public that the robots are coming and that there is very little that they or their elected representatives can do to develop alternative labour markets.Be a serious investigative journalist or an engineer or a consultant or a public sector manager or a politician – but don’t challenge neoliberal economic rhetoric.Talk about deficit reduction and ‘budget repair’ without understanding how vacuous this is.Be surprised at the outcome.Repeat.
Quelle / source.
See also Awakening from the Stony Sleep.
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