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German summary below / deutsche Zusammenfassung unten
The greatest evil perpetrated by the green church is that it manages to make countless people firmly believe that the environments of the earth are in an apocalyptic state. Unless people begin to debunk green alarmism and discover that we live in the most environmentally friendly times ever with splendid prospects of still further advancement, the green-minded will keep on dominating the attitude of the political consumer. Africans are beginning to see through the pack of green lies:
It is a lie that the world is getting more polluted. In fact, it is getting cleaner than ever. Critically, countries that are industrialising now have access to advanced forms of pollution control. So moving billions out of dire poverty has become a cleaner proposition than ever before.
We have become better at keeping OUR environment clean and healthy. The opposite claim is false.
The environment is ours, nobody else's. That is to say, in defining what a clean, healthy and otherwise acceptable environment is, the only admissible criteria are human needs. We must avoid categorical claims (demands ignoring the balance of costs and benefits), let alone fabricated dystopian narratives and make place for sensible trade offs.
Thus, the rate at which poor countries industrialise, grow richer and face forms of pollution unknown before may be best dealt with by a keen and sober assessment of the attendant trade offs, cutting out green stereotypes and the associated maximalist preconceptions.
Perhaps pollution increases relative to developments in richer countries. But industrial advancement is likely to reduce pollution compared to prior levels making for a substantial relative gain. Also, the cost of additional pollution may be lower than the benefits gained from enhanced industrialisation.
Nothing is more powerful in reducing pollution or other negative environment effects than industrial capability and its offspring: wealth. In other words: whatever additional pollution may be incurred on the way toward industrial prowess, it will add up to an advancement over previous stages, representing an indispensable historical condition for greater mastery of the environment.
The knee jerk hysteria that the green-minded elicit at the mentioning of general trigger words ("coal powered plants", "industrialisation", "pollution" etc) and the parallel habit of ignoring the facts and details of real cases is one of the worst hallmarks of the regressive left and its reactionary greenism.
Once environmentalism has mutated into a religion it loses its connection with man and nature.
Masticated and spoon-fed by demagogues, the environmentalism of the green-minded becomes vicarious and hypocritical, out of touch with reality and based on an inward looking mythology, . They live in a museum of their own prejudices. They decided that coal is evil 40 years ago, built the "insight" into their mythology and see no need to ever reappraise the complex and dynamic matter. Put differently: they show no concern for the real relationship between man (his capabilities, technologies and needs) and nature. They are hopelessly stuck in the past courtesy of a rigid set of conceits, and they expect others as well to remain behind the times.
Turning the relationship of man and nature into the subject of a cheap feel-good narrative is not a judicious course even for the rich who can afford regression. For the poor still not wealthy enough to afford gigantic costs of green phantasmagories are dramatically and tragically consequential.
Deutsche Zusammenfassung:
Das Perfide an der kulturellen Dominanz der Grüngesinnten in Ländern wie Deutschland besteht darin, dass es ihnen gelingt, Fakten und konkrete Details (des Verhältnisses von Mensch und Natur und damit ein sorgsames, wirklichkeitsnahes Umgehen mit dieser Lebensdimension) durch scheinbar zeitlose Vorurteile zu ersetzen. Hat man die Kohleindustrie einmal vor 40 Jahren verdammt, ist das Thema auf immer erledigt. Ein in Wahrheit komplexes und dynamisches Themengebiet ist einzementiert als ewig lebender Teufel in den Kreuzgängen grüner Dämonologie. Mit derartigen Tabuierungspraktiken wird ganz Deutschland in Schach gehalten, sodass die Menschen aufhören, auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben und Neues zu denken. Eine reaktionärere Haltung kann man sich kaum vorstellen. Während die Deutschen reich genug sind, in den von ihren grüngesinnten Medizinmännern verordneten Rückschritt zu investieren, beginnt sich Afrika gegen den grünen Kolonialismus zu wehren, der den Fortschritt auch auf dem schwarzen Kontinent verhindern will.
Erst wenn es den Deutschen gelingt, die grünen Weltuntergangslügen zu durchschauen und die durch sie verstellte Wahrheit zu würdigen, dass wir in der umweltfreundlichsten Ära aller Zeiten leben und gute Aussichten haben, diesen Trend noch weiter zu verbessern, erst dann ist das Land gefeit vor der nächsten mit Lügen bewehrten Öko-Sau, die die Grüngesinnten gewiss bald schon durchs Dorf treiben werden.
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