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A post in German and English.
Lance Robert ist vorsichtig. Er glaubt nicht, dass sich der Bullenlauf verstetigen wird. Lance meint, dass der Markt sich wieder in den als overbought bezeichneten Bereich hineingeschoben hat und massive Widerstandslinien den Fortgang dieses Trends blockieren.
Oversold bedeutet entweder im Sinne der Fundamentalanalyse, dass ein Aktienwert nicht mehr verkauft werden sollte, weil er sein legitimes Bewertungsniveau erreicht hat. Wer jetzt noch verkauft, der betreibt "Überverkauf", sprich: bekommt weniger, als der Titel eigentlich wert ist.
Oversold kann auch im Sinne der technischen Analyse bedeuten, dass ein Aktienwert soweit gefallen ist, dass er einen technischen Wendepunkt berührt, einen unteren Wert, von dem aus ein ansteigender Trend für den Kurs zu erwarten ist,
Overbought – mutatis mutandis.
Lance Roberts nimmt die gegenwärtige Lage, da nicht klar ist, welcher Trend sich wann wie stark durchsetzt, zum Anlass, sein Portfolio insgesamt konservativer zu positionieren: Aktien, die schlecht abgeschnitten haben, abzustoßen, den Anteil an Anleihen und Cash auszuweiten, die Stops enger zu setzen und ein Buch mit Short-Positionen aufzubauen.
Writes Lance Robert:
Last week, we discussed the fulfillment of our expectations for a bull rally. While the rally was attributed to the rather “dovish” stance taken by Jerome Powell and commentary from the White House on potential progress on resolving the “trade war” with China. The reality is it had little to do with those headlines but was simply a reversal of the previous “exhaustion extreme” of sellers during November and December.
The rally, as we laid out two weeks ago, continues to work within the expected range back to 2650-2700.
Importantly, the previous deep “oversold” condition which was supportive of the rally following Christmas Eve has now been fully reversed back into extreme “overbought” territory. While this doesn’t mean the current rally will immediately reverse, it does suggest that upside from current levels is likely limited.
Nonetheless, the rally from the December lows has been impressive. However, I want to caution investors from extrapolating a deeply oversold bounce into something more than it is.
We noted previously that we remain long many of our core holdings and in November and late December added positions in companies which had been discounted due to the market’s downdraft.
This past week, we did reduce our equity exposure by 6% to remove some positions which have not been performing as well as expected.
The risk to the market remains high, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make money along the way.
Until the bullish trend is returned, we will continue to run our portfolios with a bit higher level of cash, fixed income, and tighter stops on our current long-equity exposure.
We are excited about the opportunity to finally be able to add a “short book” to our portfolios for the first time since 2008. It is too early in the market transition process to implement such a strategy, but the opportunity is clearly forming.
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